Category: life

Boxy pouches for sewing session

Aren’t these pouches so pretty? But these are not made by me. Today we had another sewing session at my friend’s house as they wanted to learn making these boxy pouches. I’m always a bit nervous about teaching something to people, I’m afraid my explanations wouldn’t be clear enough or they wouldn’t understand. These friends of mine don’t even speak English (only one of the three can), but then I guess we didn’t really need to talk much. Let’s just cut and sew those fabrics. Anyway, I really love their fabric choices, the pink one with ice creams have very […]

Go no poo

 The last time I used shampoo for washing my hair was about 2,5 months ago, or to be exact, in June 18, 2009. My hair was not the best hair in the world. I’ve abused it in many ways, colouring it, spraying it with curling spray to keep the shape, and rubbing it with shine serum to make it shine. Actually they looked kinda alright, but then I noticed that without all those styling stuffs, my hair would look dull and lifeless. Then I read this article about ‘no poo’. Here’s a woman who has stopped shampooing at all and […]

Reversible bag winner!

It’s time to pick the winner of my reversible bag giveaway. I used to pick a random winner and the winner is Karencilla from Little Sweet Hearts! Congratulation, Karen! Please send me your shipping address at so I can send your bag immediately. Hope you will love it! Thank you so much to everyone for participating in my first giveaway!

My first Etsy sale!

It’s only been 3 days since I opened the etsy shop, so I didn’t really expect anything going on. But yesterday I got an email from etsy notifying that I’ve just got a bag sold! Somebody actually want to buy them! Really? I just couldn’t stop smiling all day. And I’m still not sure how to package the bag and everything. Oh my, I should have been more prepared. Finally I decided to put the bag in a simple tote bag made from some reclaimed fabric (woohoo making another bag!) . Does it look like a pillow?My nice husband made […]

Reversible bags giveaway! – CLOSED

With so many things that I made recently, I think I need to let go some of them to keep the house liveable. So I decided to open an etsy shop! I don’t want to go to overboard with this shop, so I won’t be building a collection or something like that. I will only make things that I like and put them up for sale when I like it. It’s not that I’m not serious about the shop, but I don’t want to loose the excitement of creating stuffs. And well, sometimes I can get so lazy and that […]

Collarless boy’s suit and bags for shogakko (elementary school)

Sidra is going to elementary school this month and there are tons of things to prepare. The school requires the student to have a lesson bag for their art and crafts stuffs, another bag for uwabaki (slippers to use at school), and yet another type of bag for lunch set. I’ve been planning to make all of them myself and also a suit for Sidra to wear at the opening ceremony. The fabrics had been bought since a month ago, but as usual when faced with a deadline, I usually got lazy and keep postponing things until the last minute. […]

Shrink plastic keychains

I found these sheets of shrink plastic in a 100 yen store for, uh, obviously, 100 yen each. These are basically flexible plastic sheets which, when heated in an oven, shrink to small hard plates without altering their color or shape. Each package contain one A5 (148 × 210 mm) size plastic sheet, two B6 (125 × 176 mm) size sheets, and two keychains holder. I ‘ve been curious about these shrinly dinks and I thought Sidra would love playing with them too. I told Sidra to draw something on white paper, then trace it on plastic and color it. So […]

Featured in German Burda Modemagazin!

A few months ago, I got an email from Burdastyle that they wanted to feature this ‘Sailor-collar jacket and wide-legged pants’ in the German fashion sewing magazine, Burda mode, for a section about fashionable kids creation. So I sent them the picture as requested. This morning, Burdastyle sent me two scanned pages of the magazine in which the sailor jacket is being featured. It’s in Burda Modemagazin, 2/2009 edition. There it is, my son in the page of a German magazine! The text says: “Novita Estitis Junior-Seemannsoutfit ist zwar nicht berufsbindend, aber auf jeden Fall professionel kleidsam.” I don’t know […]

Burdastyle’s Best of 2008 and some more knitting

I just found out today that Burdastyle has published a Best of 2008 album on their photos section, and two of my creations are there! Thank you, Burdastyle! On the other hand, I’m in the middle of two new knitting projects. Yes I’m so greedy. The first one is a scarf in this pretty pattern called Argosy and the other one is a fingerless mittens in beautiful Noro yarn. I found both pattern from Ravelry as usual. I don’t know what I can do without the internet. These two patterns require some new knitting techniques that I’ve never tried. Like: […]