Year: 2010

Red pants

S: Mama, I want a gold pants. M: A gold pants? Why?? S: Because Maikeru Jakuson wears one. M: But where will you wear the gold pants to? S: I’ll wear it anywhere, to supermarket, to school…. Since I couldn’t bear the thought of him walking to school in gold pants, I tried to offer several alternatives. How about a pair of black pants? No? But Michael Jackson had one too. A blue pants? No? A grey one? No? And so on. At last we saw Michael Jackson in the ‘This is It’ DVD wearing a pair of red pants. I […]

Sidra in Sesame magazine – Snap 2010 edition

Last November Sidra was photographed for street style pictures by Sesame, a Japanese kid’s fashion magazine. We were having a walk in Harajuku area when they approached us and asking permission to take some pictures of Sidra. The magazine was published this month, and it turned out to be a special edition of street snap of Japanese kid’s fashion. It was filled with pictures of kids in their trendiest outfit, taken in various area of Japan. So cute! Here’s Sidra in one of the pages, he’s number 58. The caption, loosely translated: Sidra (6 years) “Sidra in a beautifully arranged […]

Stylish Dress Book 2: D (uhm, sort of)

I think I got the winter blues. I haven’t made a single thing since New Year! My sewing room was too cold, and then I just couldn’t get myself to start a thing. Being uncreative made me restless. Has any of you experience the same thing? Or maybe I was just getting lazier T.T This top was supposed to be an instant gratification to coax me back into making stuff. The fabric was from a local store that I just found not far from my house. There were various fabrics, buttons and trimmings, and non-sewing knick-knacks like cups and saucers […]

Sesame photoshoot

About a week ago, Sesame magazine (a Japanese kid’s fashion magazine) contacted us and invited Sidra for a photoshoot. This is the second time Sidra had a photoshoot with them, the first one was done in Tottori, just two months after Sidra and me moved to Japan. This time, they wanted to photograph Sidra in traditional costume. So I asked my mother to send a Javanese costume set from Jogjakarta, Indonesia. The package came very quickly, it was wrapped in white plastic sheets, handstitched with blue plastic rope. I wonder whoever in the Jogjakarta post office with the job of […]