Too many bags won’t kill you

Reversible bags!
I was offered by several nice ladies to join them in a local market held in my area. This market is usually held for two days, once in every season. I’ve been there once, the sellers are usually stay-at-home moms who loves to craft in their spare time, and the buyers are other moms too, so it’s a bit like an inner circle. The place is not really big, but I guess it’s enough to accommodate all of these women from the area who’s interested to come.

I decided to make reversible Charlie bags for this occasion because (1) they’re quick and easy to make, (2) they’re more versatile than clothes, and (3) they give me the chance to use IKEA those fabrics I’ve been wanting to use but never found the right thing to make. So I made bags. Not one or two or ten, but thirty-three reversible bags.

At first, I spent too much time in cutting and pairing the fabrics. But once they are cut, I began to sew like crazy. Nothing is more satisfying that seeing a heap of bags in colourful pattern and identical shapes began to emerge.

Then I had a lot of scraps lying around. I turned these scraps into boxy pouches with zipper. The pouches are lined with white thick fabrics that I found in local store. I think they look pretty cute.

Boxy pouchesTissue cases
Still more scraps. So I made some tissue cases as gifts for my nice friends.
Sidra was ecstatic to see those bags and pouches. He took one pouch (he said it’s for his dinosaur cards) and one matching tissue case. He considered taking one bag too, but then dismissed the idea as he concluded that the bag is for ‘onna no ko’ (girls).

We came early to the market place and began to arrange our stuffs. Before the market even opened, I’ve already sold two bags and two pouches. When it was time to open the market, everybody was asked to go outside and make a line. The place was on the second floor and when I went outside, the line was already down to the first floor. Once the door opened, everybody went inside and elbowed one another. It was a war inside.

At the end of the day, my sales was pretty good. I still have some bags left that I’m intended to give to people as gifts or maybe sell online. Anyway, seeing people taking my bags off the hanger and bringing them to the cashier was a pretty good feeling. Hey, maybe I should do this again.

Bag pattern is Charlie bag from Burdastyle (with little modifications)

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  1. Hi Novita,

    I love the little pouches. Do you have a pattern for those?

    Great blog and such lovely fabric, colours and patterns.


  2. I love those pouches! Is too much ask for a tutorial of it? You are very talented on sewing and handmade things. Love your work :D

  3. I LOVE all of your colours..

    I love using scraps ! I use mine to make a wallet pattern as well and then I use the smaller scraps from the wallets to make fabric coasters. Your bags look so awesome all together.. I don't think I would be able to buy just one ! I would need at least five..


  4. O wow. You've been busy. Knowing that others appreciate your work is really rewarding, isn't it You should've opened your etsy shop, like loong time agoo. I can see you already opened one. Congrats!

  5. Great job, the bags are fabulous! Any chance you might post a pattern or a how-to for the boxy pouches?

  6. Wow you've done a great job! I love your choice of fabrics. They are all so colorful and pretty!
    Congrats on your new store!!

  7. I love craft market- both selling and buying. I miss doing that actually… It's so nice to see customers buying your stuff, and the person who is creating such beautiful things!

    congrats on opening your Etsy store :)!!

  8. Wow. Love all the colors! Your photos and fabrics are always so great. Where do you find all your fabrics? I recognize some from IKEA, others from local shops? Love the collage of all the bags. Wonderful work as always.

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