Featured in German Burda Modemagazin!

Featured in Burda modemagazin!
A few months ago, I got an email from Burdastyle that they wanted to feature this ‘Sailor-collar jacket and wide-legged pants’ in the German fashion sewing magazine, Burda mode, for a section about fashionable kids creation. So I sent them the picture as requested.

This morning, Burdastyle sent me two scanned pages of the magazine in which the sailor jacket is being featured. It’s in Burda Modemagazin, 2/2009 edition. There it is, my son in the page of a German magazine!

The text says:
“Novita Estitis Junior-Seemannsoutfit ist zwar nicht berufsbindend, aber auf jeden Fall professionel kleidsam.”

I don’t know what it means, but I’m sure thrilled!

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  1. Wow Purple, how nice! Congratulations!
    Best wishes for you and your little boy – he looks like an angel, so kilt!
    I am a great fan of your creations and blog. =]
    Kisses from Brazil,

  2. Greetings from Germany!

    I saw your little boy in burda.
    I like your blog and your fotostream on flickr.
    Lovely inspirations…Thank you!!!

    Best wishes,

  3. Hey, I am just beginning to sew, but I sure will buy this magazine tomorrow (I live in Austria)!! That’s really excititing! I also think that the sentence is indeed a very strange one, German or English. KaOz, congrats on your great translation. I was soo relieved when I saw that someone had already translated it and I didn’t have to wreck my brains! ;-)
    ALthough you don’t speak German, they should at least have sent you the magazine. You could probably make use of the patterns anyway.

    Greetings from Europe!

  4. Your welcome! I thought you would like to know, even if it’s that weird. To my mind, they tried to say that this outfit looks absolutely professional and fits Sidra so nicely. When I saw it, I wondered about this article for some time, I’m a native speaker but even too me the meaning was hard to understand. I like to look at your creations every time, and Sidra is such a nice model, you two deserve to be in the magazine :-)

    Greatings to Tokyo

  5. Hi,
    I saw the picture in the magazine about a week ago.
    The sentence you quoted means something like “Although Novita Estitis Junior-Sailor-Outfit is not neccessarily a hint for later profession, it is professionally becoming in either case”
    Even in German it is kind of a weird sentence and for that not so easy to translate, but I think you may get an idea…

  6. Wow, your little boy looks amazing. Bless him, in a real life magazine!!! well done, you deserve it your clothes are amazing.

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