I’ve used this pattern to make a long grey scarf from 3 skeins of wool tweed yarn. There’s something about the pattern that makes knitting it very enjoyable, so I wanted to make another. This time I make a short scarf from one skein of Noro silk garden lite yarn, knitted with 4 mm needles. It took quite some time because me and Sidra got sick and all, but finally I finished it! After washing and blocking, the scarf became softer and quite comfortable to the skin.
I’m kinda satisfied with this pretty little thing, and as it is short and lacy, I think it’s more suitable for warmer time. But I didn’t make it for me, soon it’ll be sent away and I hope it’ll brighten someone’s day over there!
On the other hand, I just found out two things. One, I love knitting scarves. Since they’re basically just a piece of flat thing, they’re perfect for exercising different stitches, color, and texture.
Two, I love making gifts. They make me feeling less guilty about making too many things that will otherwise overfill the house. And I think they have bigger chance of being worn than if they all stay in my wardrobe. After all, I only have one body to dress up. Oh, and a bonus, making people happy is always great!
Scarf pattern is Argosy by Vyvyan Neel.
Beautiful! You always find the best yarn. :)
Hi! I just stumbled across your blog! I am so excited about your beautiful photos and your projects. I am also very jealous of being in Japan and taking advantage of all of beautiful fabrics there. Do you like living in Japan?
Thank you everybody!
I guess Noro yarns never fail me :)
Katie, I love that April shower pattern and have been thinking of trying it too. Can’t wait to see yours!
Very Nice. The colour fits the pattern extremely well.
I love how the change colors in the yarn. The pattern is really nice. Well done.
It’s so cute!
I love the colours and style, you’re so talented! I always love your designs.
Beautiful. You are so talented! I’m learning how to knit now. A friend of mine and I get together and she teaches me. I’m working on my first scarf (April Showers tutorial on Purlbee.com). I think it will be a while before I finish though :).
Lovely scarf!
I’m sure anyone will be delighted with your such beautiful gift!