Hello! I just got interviewed by Sarah Von from yes and yes for her Real Life Style Icons series. You can check out the interview here where I answered her questions about my style. I don’t know about being an icon style though, everyday I still get confused over what to wear and usually end up by wearing the same item over and over again.

While you’re at her blog, you should check out her other posts too. Her blog features all these wonderful series and stories about women and their lifestyle. It’s not a craft blog, fashion blog, beauty blog, nor like any other blog I’ve ever read! So thank you Sarah for interviewing me and introducing me to your cool site!
And do you remember my (failed) green Tara dress? Apparently Kathleen from Grosgrain Fabulous likes it! She has this fabulous sewing project where she would show how to sew the Tara dress in a week in her Frock by Friday project. You can join the project too here. I think it’s a wonderful idea because people can learn sewing the dress at the same pace, and then it’s very interesting to see all the interpretation of the same pattern.

And flickr pool. Make sure that the garments is made this month from June 1-June 30.

Now enough with these shameless plugs. I’m sort of a busy bee this week, preparing stuff for the Artist market in Yokohama with Chie of VivatVeritas and Kayo from Crochetie. The market is from July 2-5 next month, so we still have about two weeks. But I feel like I don’t work as fast as I have to. I always try to finish a dress in the same day, because I get impatient if the dress needs more than one day to finish. I sew when Sidra is in school, and usually I can finish two dresses by the time he comes home.
But I get bored if I have to sew everyday, so I only sew 3 days a week. Maybe I should try work harder, but ooh I need time to check my facebook or twitter and there are so many interesting blogs to read, and I want to take a nap in the afternoon, or I want to go biking or play boxes with Sidra. I’m so lazy -.-

These last few days are starting to get pretty hot too, so I’ve been wandering around the house in a sleeveless dress, messy hair bun, with slippery eyeglass on my face. So much for a style icon! It makes me miss my short hair. I used to sport a very short hairstyle sometime ago, and only let it grow longer this past two years.But my hair is Sidra’s property, he loves playing with it before bedtime, and he gets very mad even when I mention about trimming the ends.
I guess I should just wait until he gets weaned off my hair. Here’s me and my baby 5 years ago, still my baby now! ♥
Congrats, you deserve it!!! You look beatiful with short hair, but I prefer you with long hair. :)
ooooo congrats! you deserve them all :)….and what a cutie he was (and still is) :D…and you look stunning in short hair too
i’m astonished! you are the fastest sewing mama i know!! jasjajsj
you look cute cute cute with the short haircut!
You girls are working really hard. Ganbatte!!
I didn’t recognize you with short hair. You looked awesome too. I’m letting my hair grow now. I wonder how long it will take though. (^_^*)
Congratulations on your spotlights. They are more than deserved.
Yesterday I made tissue cases using your instructions.
Thank you so much for sharing them.
Novita, congratulations!! Um, hello, you completely deserve it.
I’m stopping by because I made your reversible bag but oddly felt non-committal about creating a flickr account (I think I’m technologically overstimulated at the moment) so I put a link here so you can see it. It’s so cute.
Thank you so much for the fantastic tutorial! It’s getting me out of my “creator’s block” funk.
Glad to know that the bag got you out of the block, Roe! The fabric is fab, especially the purple one with boats on it :)
Novita! Hehe..I didn’t even realize that I didn’t know your name! Duhhh! Anyway, great feature. I also went to fashion school…after giving up on college too! Really was one of the best decisions made. I can relate!
Congrats Novita! You truly deserve all that attention!
By the way, I love your picture with short hair and little Sidra!
Cheers from Toronto
That is so sweet. My little boy used to play with my hair every night to fall asleep too, and he would be very angry if I ever mentioned cutting my hair short!
I guess every boy is that possessive to his mother’s hair then! :D
I am soo glad for you!!!
About laziness, tell me about it. After I get home after work, I’m craving for taking a nap. But, I have 2 childrem (my son is 4, and a girl is 2) so I have to be ready for playing with them. When somebody asks me what is my hobby, my answer is= sleeping, haha!
Not that I am complaining :-)!
You look very sweet with short hair. I would like to cut my hair- I prefer french bob on myself (I watched videoclip of Swing Out Sister, Breakout, and the singer inspired me to cut my hair) we shall see! French bob on my head, red lipstick and some cute girly dress= that’s me!!
Have a lovely weekend!!
oh, how i wish to sew and wear it too!!!
you’re an inspiration! best of luck! Love to read your blog ^^
I’ve read it, love “the thrift shop” part. I like thrift shop, since I can’t afford to buy branded things. They are cheap and cute, and usually unique. Congrats for being Real Life Style Icon! ^^
Congrats! From my point of view, the interview is really justified as your blog is one of the very few blogs I acutally read carefully and not just skimread. Your talent in writing and sewing deserves attention. Keep blogging and sewing!
And by the way: I think you are a great mommy =)
I loved reading all of your interviews. I love finding out more about my favorite people.
You’re my favorite people too Trudy! :)
Sidra’s so cute, isn’t he? I found your picture at one article of mommiesdaily.com, wearing kimono with your husband and son, I don’t think you sew it because you never talk about sewing a kimono in your blog. ^_^ Thank’s for the Sew,Mama,Sew! link, wish I could win the prizes, a sewing machine, hope it’s not restricted only for US citizen (ooh.. I love prizes and giveaways). *sorry for bumbling too long ;P
Hi Novita…congrats and it’s very inspiring story! Love your style and you do us (Indonesian blogger) proud..way to go, gal! ^_^