Do you recognize these bags? Yes, on the right side is my bag, and the pretty bag with rosettes is Yoshimi’s bag! They were sitting together side by side on a wooden bench inside an Indonesian restaurant in Shinjuku.

Yoshimi and I spent a day together last Saturday, it was a bit cold and cloudy day but I was very happy to see her! We’ve met several times before to go fabric shopping, this time we just had a good time walking around Shinjuku area.
We planned to have lunch in a deli, but then Yoshimi mentioned about Indonesian restaurant and that she never had Indonesian food before. I knew one Indonesian restaurant in the area, so we changed our plan and went to Jembatan Merah (it means The Red Bridge). We had some Indonesian curries for lunch, and I was very glad that Yoshimi liked it. It was a good decision to change the plan!
Then we walked to Takashimaya building to look at some fabrics and sewing supplies in Yuzawaya, the place was very crowded because it was weekend. We also walked to Isetan department store, I went past the building very often but had never been inside it. There was a nice macrobiotic food cafe that we found in the restaurant area and we had some delicious cake sets. Mine is baked tofu cake which actually tasted the same as cheese cake, and Yoshimi had cake with nuts caramelized in it. Very delicious! We were busy chatting that we forgot to take pictures of cakes.
Shinjuku is a very big place and it can get a bit confusing if you don’t know the way. That day, we often got lost a little bit because I’m completely useless about directions although I visit there very often. My husband really knows his way around, so usually I just follow him without thinking too much about where I am, like a puppy. Very lazy. Sometimes I even pretend that I am a puppy following him. I know, I know, it’s weird.
Anyway, Yoshimi and I had a really good time that day and we talked about so many things. Not only sewing stuff! It’s kinda funny when meeting blog friends, sometimes they know things about you that real life friends don’t. And you kinda feel like knowing them because you’ve read all their posts in the blog. Well, time runs when you’re having a good time, how very true. We met in the morning and suddenly we were saying goodbye in the afternoon. Thank you for the wonderful time, Yoshimi!

Woweee crafty people get together…how awesome is that?…n you are rite Novita, there’s no other store like that in the world!!!
wow! how awesome! :D i love it when sewing celebrities meet eachother! :)
Aww you’re sweet! Then you should come here for a holiday so we can meet you!
It is so true what you say about feeling like you know someone you follow their blog so well. I was just talking about that on my last post. Glad to know you had a good time.
What a lovely time you’ve spent with your blog friend!
And what a lovely version of your reversible ‘not-so-reversible’ bag, as well! It looks so professionally done!
Cheers from Toronto
PS: As always, after seeing your talent and the beautiful things you make, I was inspired enough to make my version of your ‘Room Shoes’. My first version came out a bit too big, but now I’ve made another pair that fits my feet perfectly. I walk around my home in my new fabric shoes, and remember your beautiful stuff… lovely stuff. Thanks!
.-= Maria´s last blog ..Do you know where I can find Mrs. Bigfoot… I have a gift for her =-.
Oooh pretty shoes! Glad that you finally made another pair that fits your feet, but the big foot’s ones are cute. You’re welcome!
Yoshimi’s version of the bag is indeed so gorgeous and professionally done! I found myself occasionally glancing at her bag with envy :D
Why am I from Croatia? I would like chatting with you! It’s not fair ;-)!
Let’s come to Tokyo, Ivana!
Wow seems like you had such a fun day! I love the photo with That “LOVE” sculpture. Where is that sculpture?
The sculpture is in front of I-Land tower in Nishi-Shinjuku. A must-have place for taking pictures :)
It must have been awesome!
I don’t know how it feels for you, but despite being in Belgium for more than 8 years, I still feel lost here…
Thanks for sharing!
.-= Debbie Rodrigues´s last blog ..Among plants =-.
I love it here more than anywhere else! Well, I feel lost all the time, even in my own country, so it doesn’t really matter :)
That is a nice way to put it. (^_^*)
.-= Debbie Rodrigues´s last blog ..Among plants =-.
Novita, I’m still speechless, too much overwhelmed by seeing the big crowd at Yuzawaya craft store…. I didn’t realize that there were such many “craft-y people” in Japan (and I know you are tired of me telling this so many times since yesterday). I’m a suburban resident and I’d find more mountains around here than shoppers at our local craft store. Anyway, it was a wonderful day to me too, thank you, dear!
.-= yoshimi´s last blog ..Leia dress =-.
Yes, I was overwhelmed too the first time I went to Yuzawaya. There are no stores like that in my country or any other countries (as far as I know), and there were so many people there! All those crafty people! They make stuff!!
Let’s do it again sometimes and be overwhelmed in other stores :D
How wonderful to have friend that have the same interest, lucky you to know Yoshimi and meet her in person! Or lucky her! :) Well reading your post today is like I’d join you girls that morning as well… :)
.-= nomaliza´s last blog ..PENGENALAN: Messenger bag – Deanna =-.