Meeting a dearest friend, delicious lunch, beautiful things and wonderful people. Not all weekends are perfect, but once in a while the universe graced me with a day like this. Pictures from my Instagram.

Meeting a dearest friend, delicious lunch, beautiful things and wonderful people. Not all weekends are perfect, but once in a while the universe graced me with a day like this. Pictures from my Instagram.
These two beautiful ladies is Chie from VivatVeritas and Kayo from Crochetie, both of them are also Burdastyle members and both have etsy shops: Chie’s shop and Kayo’s shop. You should check them out because they make the cutest dresses and accessories! Anyway, I just met them today in Asakusabashi, it is another district in Tokyo with large selection of craft and bead stores. Some of the stores sell wholesale so the prices are quite cheap. We had lunch in an Indian restaurant before walking around the area. Then Kayo showed us several of her favorite shops there and at the end […]
Do you recognize these bags? Yes, on the right side is my bag, and the pretty bag with rosettes is Yoshimi’s bag! They were sitting together side by side on a wooden bench inside an Indonesian restaurant in Shinjuku. Yoshimi and I spent a day together last Saturday, it was a bit cold and cloudy day but I was very happy to see her! We’ve met several times before to go fabric shopping, this time we just had a good time walking around Shinjuku area. We planned to have lunch in a deli, but then Yoshimi mentioned about Indonesian restaurant […]
Aren’t these pouches so pretty? But these are not made by me. Today we had another sewing session at my friend’s house as they wanted to learn making these boxy pouches. I’m always a bit nervous about teaching something to people, I’m afraid my explanations wouldn’t be clear enough or they wouldn’t understand. These friends of mine don’t even speak English (only one of the three can), but then I guess we didn’t really need to talk much. Let’s just cut and sew those fabrics. Anyway, I really love their fabric choices, the pink one with ice creams have very […]