Since I moved to Japan my weight had been slowly creeping up. In the last 6 years I gained 6 kg, while before my weight stayed more or less the same since the college days. Recently I put on one of my handmade dress and it was tight around the waist! It was time to do something.
I decided to start doing exercise and running. I have to admit that I’m not big on exercise, mostly I spend my days on the couch behind my notebook. But there is a beautiful jogging track near my house so it would be a shame if I didn’t use it.
At first I had no idea where to put my phone and wallet when I run, I just crammed them into the little pocket of my running pants. But I kept worrying that they might fall so I went back to my beloved couch and notebook to browse for solutions. I found out that people use running belt to carry their small stuff. I didn’t want to buy so can I make it myself? Google told me that I can!
I found this tutorial on Makezine for the type of running belt that I want. Surprisingly this tutorial doesn’t seem to be popular. I suppose people wanted to make different kinds of running belt? But the tutorial was really helpful to me!
The fabric is leftover from my recent bra and the wide elastic is the same as used for my skirt. I only bought the plastic clips. The pouch may seem small when it is empty, but it is actually folded in the back. Along with the stretchy fabric, it can hold my phone, keys, and small wallet for ID card and coins.
When I tweeted about the running belt, Melissa of Fehr Trade, who is an advanced runner, informed me of the running arm band pocket tutorial in her blog. I plan to make this one too! I use an app called Nike running to track the speed and distance so I think it is better if the phone is on my arm.
It has been about 2 weeks since I started doing exercise. At that time I weighed 47 kg (101 lbs), it may not seem much but I’m only 152 cm (4’11”) tall. All this additional weight also seem to accumulate around the waist so I don’t feel good with my body. So far I’ve shed 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) so I’m quite happy. I dont want to go as skinny as 6 years ago but just getting rid of all these love handles. Sidra has often said that he wished I did routine excercise so I would be healthy until old age. I hope I can maintain the routine!
Do you exercise or run daily? How do you motivate yourself? And since I’m such a nerd, do you have a favorite exercise app?
I used to run but never liked it so couldn’t stay motivated. I now have been doing Tracy Anderson Method for 4 yrs and still going strong. You can do it from the comfort of home and I keep seeing more muscles than I ever had. It’s hard but since I keep getting stronger I have stuck with it. I only do 3-4 times a week and that seems to work for me. Nothing against running mind you, just not my thing :)
I love your running belt! It looks just like the pretty expensive ones I have seen in the stores. It looks like it would be pretty comfortable too.
I also made an armband for myself ( and I’ve made a bunch of Fehr trade patterns which are mainly what I wear to run now.
When I started running first it was for stress relief, so the good feelings after a run made me pretty addicted. I stopped for a while then, but I know that I feel much better, and actually feel like eating better when I run regularly, so I’m back at it again. When I started I used Zombies Run! all the time, I don’t use it as much any more but I highly recommend it. To track my progress I use Runmeter. It’s a tracking app, but it’s got built in plans to get from total beginner to 5k / 10k. I like that I can use that app, and keep using it past when I get to that point. I also like that I can see all the info directly in the app rather than having to log in to a website to see my progress.
Hope you keep it up, I can’t wait to see what else you sew for your new hobby!
Cute! I have the Amphipod brand belt like this. I’ve had it for about 4 years and still love it. You did a really nice job on yours. I hope you love it as much as I do mine. It fits as little or as much as I can cram into it. I slide mine around to wear on the back of my waist when I run so that my stuff doesn’t jiggle around and bug me.
Your belt turned out so nice! I thought you had bought it because it looks exactly like one I have!
I think the belts are helpful. Although I recently bought a flipbelt, which I like even more. It’s almost like an extra waistband and has inserts where you can store your phone, keys, and cards and then you flip it over to make sure any openings are between your body and the belt. It stays put really well around your hips even when you’re running. One gripe I had with the regular running belts was that they shifted up and down as I ran, which kinda annoyed me.
running is my favorite exercise! i started after having my first kid and wanted to shed the baby weight. i’ve been on and off over the years, but since i’ve felt a few lbs creep up on me i’ve become re-dedicated to it. it’s hard to love running, but i do love how i feel after! i’ve also supplemented with some yoga because i’ve never been particularly flexible. great little running belt, i need to make something to hold my phone when i run too!
just thought i’d mention: muscle weighs more than fat, so as you become fitter (and build more muscle mass), it may actually mean that you will stop losing weight – or even will put some weight ON! i mean, you will still look skinnier and feel healthier, but just don’t get desperate if at some point the weight doesn’t want to come off any more =). good job exercising!
Thank you for the head up! Hopefully I will even get to that point! As long as I’m healthier and with more toned body, the weight won’t really matter :)
What a great idea! I have an armband that I bought for my phone, but it’s a little small for my phone, so it’s quite hard to stuff it into it and I can’t fit anything else in there. I should make my own belt! Thanks for sharing!
I just use Runkeeper to track my workouts, but I need to check out these recommended apps. I really hate running, but like you when I gain weight it’s all in my midsection which I don’t like.
I’m not sure how I feel about running, I kinda dislike it but I like how I felt afterwards. It is also hard to keep myself motivated…. But after knowing that all you ladies are running and exercising too, it is a motivation for me! :)
I’ve been reading for a while now, but this might be my first time commenting! I just turned 45 & started running earlier this year, for the same reasons you have. I used a C25K training app – there are several out there for iPhone & Android. I highly recommend them. I used the 5K Runner app by Clear Sky Apps & it really helped me get up to running for longer periods of time without killing myself.
It looks like a nice app! I love that it creates a schedule for you, that’s what I need to stay motivated! Thank you!
Sidra’s such a sweetheart! Aw… So glad the running is going well for you! I used to run a lot but since coming down with a case of pneumonia a couple years ago it’s been a struggle. I live in a very hilly area now, too, which doesn’t help the self-confidence! I’ve gotten pretty into yoga over these last few years, and it’s helped me a lot, physically and mentally. I still miss being outside, though!
I hope you can run again someday! I have back problem and I’ve heard that yoga is a good exercise for me. I should look into it! :)
This running belt is a really good idea! I think I’ll have to give this a try!
I’ve just started running too – I’m training to do a 5k race in july, and my favourite app for that is ‘Zombies! Run’. It’s a roleplaying game, where you are a runner for a town after the Zombie Apocalypse! It tracks your runs, and each run has a story behind it that unfolds as you run, and with each run you collect supplies for your town, which you can allocate to various areas to level up the town.
It’s pretty fun! Good luck with the running!
That’s a very interesting app! Such a good idea tro turn exercise into a game. Thank you! :)
I’ve made a running band using Melissa’s tutorial and posted about it here I changed the size though as I have an android that is quite a bit larger than the iphone that Melissa based her pattern on.
For running I wear skirts made from the Jalie running skirt pattern which has quite large pockets on both sides.
I also recently made a running top using Melissa’s XYT pattern and added two pockets to the front and a zip pocket to the back. I haven’t blogged about that top yet, but I wore it for a recent half marathon and it was great. Held all my gels and amazeballs, ipod, keys and driver licence safely and comfortably.
I don’t particularly like wearing belts while running, although I have done at times, both similar to yours and also hydration belts.
Good on you for getting out there and running and congrats on the weight loss!
The arm band looks wonderful! I should definitely make it. I’m glad that Melissa has started her line of workout wear, there isn’t many choices for this kind of sewing patterns. I will definitely check out Jalie patterns as well, I see that they have some workout wear too.
Thank you for sharing Melinda! :)
What a funky running belt. I like the pink fabric you’ve used. The pockets in running pants are tiny and I used to hold my door keys in my hand when running. This is a much better solution and more stylish than your average bum bag.
I’m clumsy so I will lose the keys if I had to hold them in my hand. This belt is tight across the waist so it doesn’t move around when I run, I love it! :)
Omg! I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this! When I ran, I would stick my keys into my sports bra, and hold my phone. It’s not comfortable or efficient. I have to make one.
I used to run and exercise and I loved it. I haven’t in over a year and I notice my right creeping up to. I think I should make this and start exercising too! Thanks for this post!
I held my phone wgen I first went running but I kept thinking abut it might fall that I couldn’t focus on the running. This belt is definitely more efficient!
Hey Novita! This is such a good idea! I’ve seen this kind of running accessories at sports shop, but they are quite expensive. At least it is more than I want to pay, so this is great. I don’t run, but sometimes I go on sprints. I am kind of a workout-holic, and I do have a favorite iPhone app for is called “strong lifts”. It keeps track of your heavy lifting routines. I’m not sure if you like to lift weights, but just wanted to bring it up! xo
Store bought running belts are expensive for me too! That is why I wanted to make them myself.
I admire that you love working out so much, I suppose that is why you seem so active and full of energy! I hope I can be like that too. I don’t know if I like to lift weights, I’m so new at this. Maybe I will! Thank you for sharing your favorite app! :)
Running is addictive! I didn’t start running till I was 43. I will now be turning 50 in approximately 6 months. I am still running! I had always been what I guess most would consider thin. I am 5’6″… I have done all sorts of exercising during my life as I enjoy it. Weight lifting is another very good from of exercise. Its excellent at toning but also at helping with bone density! I consider exercise important for ageing healthy! Once I hit my mid 40s I noticed as you said weight on waist area, not a issue I was used to dealing with. I feel I eat very healthy so I didn’t consider it a problem with nutrition. I think women have this issue as their hormones start to change. Enjoy your running and other exercise, it not only is good for your physical condition but I find does wonders for my mental condition as well, I run as much for that as the physical part of it :O).
I know it’s ridiculous but sometimes I wondered if I’m too old to start doing rotine exercise. I’m 42. So thank you for sharing your story! It is really inspiring for me!
I also noticed that since doing exercise I feel that I have more time to do things. Which is surprising because the exercise are supposed to take some time. Maybe I feel more energized and thus can accomplish more things :)
Novita, I started running at 43, and recently did a half marathon as my 45th birthday present to myself. You may find that you need to go slower than younger runners, or that your body takes long to recover from a workout, but you’re definitely not too old. And by exercising now you’re going to be a lot healthier and stronger as you get older.
A half marathon! That’s awesome!
For now I just wish that I can run for 3 km without running out of breath. Hopefully I can be like you in the future! :)