Dog raincoat

Dog raincoat Dog raincoat

Dog raincoat

I made a raincoat for Fuwawa so she can still have her walk in rainy days. She’s not too thrilled having to wear a raincoat but at least she can still enjoy her favorite time of the day.

The fabric is raincoat fabric with colorful pattern that I bought in Okadaya, Shinjuku. The pattern is, again, from MillaMilla. I really love all the dogwear pattern from this store! This time I bought the PDF pattern from their etsy shop, so it is in English. The raincoat has hood that can be hidden in the wide collar and a cute little cape. It has velcro closures on the front (under) side, you can also use snap buttons if you want. The hem is finished with bias binding to mimic the cape.

The sleeves also have velcro closure, I suppose it is useful for rather heavy rain so the splashes won’t enter the sleeves. But Fuwawa doesn’t like walking in heavy rain so I don’t think I won’t be using this feature. Anyway, sewing tiny set-in sleeves was such a challenge! I’m glad that it worked fine.

Dog raincoat Dog raincoat

The collar has velcro closure to hide the hoodie when not needed. Another useful feature is the harness hole with tiny flap to cover it. The pattern also has instruction for leash hole on the neckline, but I didn’t make it since Fuwawa only uses harness when walking.

Dog raincoat Dog raincoat

Dog raincoat Dog raincoat

Fuwawa is not exactly a good model! Between Monte, Duff, Bashu, and her, she’s the most difficult one to take pictures of. She always seems a bit tense when I pointed my camera at her. Maybe she’s self-conscious or something. It is funny that off camera, she would run and circle around, or lick me happily, but the moment I pointed my phone or camera to her she would get tense and look away.

She has started to get used of me snapping pictures with my phone all the time, but still look uncomfortable with the SLR. I asked her to sit and she did it with rather guilty look on her face, as if she thought that she had done something wrong. Poor girl!

Dog raincoat Dog raincoat

Pattern is Dog raincoat (PDF) by MillaMilla, size M.

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  1. hey i just came across your blog and im completely obsessed! ive bookmarked it hehe.

    i was wondering if you know how i could get a hold of this amazing fabric in the UK does milla milla post to the uk? i tried a google search but their site isnt in english and i cant seem to find the fabric :(

    im really enjoying looking at all the dogs you foster! you have such a beautiful family, im just getting into sewing for my dog so your blog is really helping me!

    Ferby x

    1. The fabric is not from Millamilla, I bought it in Okadaya, Shinjuku as I’ve written in the post. Millamilla is the sewing pattern seller. I don’t know how to get the fabric to UK.

  2. What a supercute raincoat! She looks very guilty indeed :)
    I need to make a doggy raincoat too, as our dalmation really dislikes walking in the rain, so it’s on my to-sew list!

  3. The dogs clothes are very cute. My dog doesn’t like clothes and will only wear a jacket if we make her. She is also scared of the camera and hides when I am using it.

  4. Wow! I love colourful designs and this certainly doesn’t disappoint! Having done a dog harness in the past, yours isn’t just beautiful but also very practical it seems. Love the way it goes around the dog legs!

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