I wanted to make a quick summer dress project and after browsing at my pattern stash, I found this Vogue 8901. From the pattern envelope: “Dress has no side seams, close-fitting, lined bodice extending to side back, pleated skirt, side front seams, narrow hem, and invisible back zipper. B: lined skirt. C: bodice front cut on crosswise grain, back hook & eye closing, and zipper for skirt only.” The bodice of the dress is overlapped on the side and the skirt is actually just pleated rectangles. Looks simple enough!
I cut view A, size 6 on bust, tapered to 10 on waist and hip. The bodice of view A is fully lined but the skirt is not. I used the lining pattern from view B because I wanted my dress fully lined. I shortened the bodice about 2 cm and made my swayback adjustments, was feeling pretty sure that those were the only adjustments I would need as always for Vogue patterns.
Well, it turned out to be one of the most difficult pattern to fit my body after my Pastille dress! I’m sure that this pattern is not that difficult to fit if you have the right body though. The overlapped no side seams thing is not for the full-busted ladies!
In my first fitting, there was a serious gap at the side seams that would make the dress totally indecent to wear. I chopped off the lower end of the overlapped pieces and fitted it again until the gap disappeared. Maybe I should have added a couple of bust darts to make it better but at that point, the bodice was already fully lined and understitched. Which was totally my fault for not making a muslin first. When will I learn my lesson?!
The fitting took several times and I kept chopping the bodice until I started to worry that I’ve ruined the dress. I finally accepted that there was no way to completely eliminate the gaping and proceeded to finish the dress half-heartedly. I added a waist stay using grosgrain ribbon and bra hook and eyes to help the dress stay better.
I can’t wear a bra without them peeking at the side, but it is probably intended as shown in the drawing on the pattern envelope. It is not really a problem as the bodice is fully lined and the overlapped side is secure enough to stay. Although I’m not sure if it will be that secure for a fuller busted lady.
Anyway the dress is done! I’m still not totally in love with the result though, which is unfortunate since I really love the fabric. The fabric is grey rayon with adorable pink and white pineapples print that I bought in a fabric store near my house.
Monte was quite curious to see me walking around in the kitchen and tried to follow me. He hates to be left alone so I think he was worried that I would leave since I was fully dressed. Speaking of Monte, this might be the last time he joined my photo shoots because he has found an adopter! The family is perfect for him, they have three children (Monte loves children) and they had had a beagle before who died of old age. I had done feeling sad about it and now decided to be happy for Monte. He will be leaving at the end of this week and I’m sure he will be happy with his new family!
Pattern is s Vogue 8901, size 6 on bust tapered to 10 on waist and hip.
I love this dress! I’m hoping that your comment about it not being for the full busted women doesn’t come true for me – or maybe even a piece of matching fabric sewn in to minimize the gap? Hmmm… but thank you for even more inspiration! (:
Astrid xo
I agree with your original feelings about the armholes being pretty revealing, and noticed that before reading your comments. I think a black camisole underneath might take care of that, or another reader’s suggestion to make a matching bra with the pineapple fabric (that would be so cute!).
It’s a really nice silhouette on you, and looks very well made!
I love this so much! It’s going straight in my ‘to sew’ pile – and what a fabric!!
It’s an awesome dress, and congratulations for Monte!
Very nice print and lovely dress! If you have some fabric leftovers, why wouldn’t you try sewing a matching bra? That might help the see-through problem…
What a lovely dress! The pineapple print really suits the dress style. Despite the fitting troubles, I think the dress looks wonderful on you.
I love how this dress is subtly sexy, just that hint of skin at the sides. I think you look terrific in it, and I’m jealous that at my age (51OMG!) it would be a case of mutton dressed as lamb if I was to wear it. ;)
Aww you’re too sweet! I love the armholes shape too, it looks like a very simple dress from the front and back but there’s a surprise detail on the side :)
Despite the alterations you had to make (and the struggle), I think it looks great! Seriously. The cut of the armhole is my favorite part and I also like the idea of a waist stay. Clever!
The waist stay really makes a difference. I should add waist stay to all my dresses!
I think this dress looks really, really good on you, despite your disappointment! The fabric is really awesome, too.
I think I would be a little self-conscious about the armholes too.
Have you tried moving your shoulders around and bending over to see if there is anything that might ‘show’ that shouldn’t?
Maybe you could add a smidge on fabric to the armhole bottoms to cover more fully?
Actually they stay put whenever I move. I don’t really mind showing some skin though, I just wished that they stay a bit flatter against my body (that’s why maybe I should have added bust darts!). I’m sure this pattern will look wonderful on different body type!
That’s a real bummer about the dress, though if you hadn’t mentioned it I’m sure very few of us readers would know! To use the (overused) phrase: sometimes we are our own harshest critic! Cliche but true. I rarely feel 100% satisfied in any of my sewing projects. It’s actually sort of a relief that I’m not the ONLY one who feels dejected when my patterns don’t come out right! ;)
The dress is pretty despite the setbacks! Love those shoes too btw.
I think you are right Jessie! In fact I’m slowly falling in love with this dress now that I’m starting to forget how difficult it was :D
The shoes are from Modcloth by the way :)
That fabric is fantastic. It’s too bad the dress isn’t exactly as you’d hoped, but it still is really cute. I’m glad to hear that Monte is headed to a forever home. I hope that you all have enjoyed each other’s company. I adopted my first dog from a foster home, and she is the most loving, sweetest girl in the world!
Thank you Michelle! I will surely miss Monte but we’re happy too that he found a forever home :)
It’s really cute! I love the fabric and the way the armhole dips. It’s very flattering!
That dress looks lovely on you!! I hate it when I have fitting troubles, though. Even though the fit looks great on you, I know how it feels to be half-hearted about the finished product. I actually *just* received this pattern in the mail, and was wondering about those armholes. Thanks so much for the review, and please do give it another try!! That fabric is just adorable, and the silhouette looks great on you!!
And congratulations to little Monte!! He is so precious, and I just know he’s going to enjoy his new home and family. You all were so good to him, and know he’ll always remember and love you all for that!!
Thank you Amanda! Looking forward to see your take on this pattern. I think it is a wonderful pattern after all, I guess I was just feeling that way because I was upset of the fitting difficulties.
Monte is precious indeed! He is so clever and funny. I will miss him!
it’s soooo cuuuute !!!
the armholes are so sexy ! i really love that !!
congrats :)
Aww thanks!
Gorgeous. I have added you to my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SassySewingBees
I love it! Hate it when you have so many issues fitting what looks like a simple dress. Good end result. Bye Monte!
So sorry that Monte will leave in the end of this week :(
Your dress is totally adorable and the fabric is really cute. I think the armhole looks fine and the dress fits you perfectly :)
A very lovely dress! I have so much fabric that needs a pattern, I’ll keep this one in mind :)
I love that dress – the fabric you chose makes it much mo fun and wearable than what I would have thought seeing the pattern drawings! Shame it was so difficult for you to adjust!
I absolutely love this pineapple print. Do you happen to know the maker? In spite of your fitting mishaps, the dress looks great!
I bought the fabric in a little store that sells out of print fabric. I’ve tried looking if there are names on the selvedge but there aren’t any. I’m sorry! :(
aw it’s really too about about those armholes, because the rest of the dress looks like it fits you so well! darn them! that pineapple fabric is incredible!
Amazinig dress:) Ideal for me, ha ha ha:)
Thank you Iveta! You should make this pattern, I think it will look gorgeous on you! :)