The Starlet Suit Jacket. Enrolled!


More Craftsy classes! I know I haven’t even continued on my bombshell dress, and the dress pattern for the Couture Dress has just arrived yesterday, but when I read the latest Craftsy newsletter about their newest sewing class, I just couldn’t resist!

It is The Starlet Suit Jacket, another Sew Retro series by the awesome Gertie Hirsch from New Blog for Better Sewing. Since I’ve subscribed to Craftsy newsletter, the class was at 50% off, only $39.99 instead of $79.99. I would say that it is a great bargain!

The pattern for the suit is designed by Gertie herself and is included in the course, with the skirt pattern as a bonus. It is available in sizes 2-24. In 13 video lessons, Gertie will show how to do a full hand-tailoring on the jacket with pad stitching, bound buttonholes, and welt pockets as well as using fusible interfacing for those who are not ready for hand-tailoring.

Now I don’t know if I will really make the suit as it is, I don’t know where I would need to wear a suit to! But the techniques can be used on many things. I can see a new coat in (not so near) future. How I wish this course was available before I started on my coat!

Usually I’m not very patient with following a video lessons and prefer reading tutorials or books, but Craftsy has such an amazing platform that makes me sit through all these courses. I can put notes throughout the courses as a reminder for myself and ask questions directly to the instructor. I also love reading answers to questions asked by other people.  These courses are also always available for unlimited time, so I don’t have to rush my projects now.

Which now left me thinking about taking one more class, Jean-ius! where Kenneth D. King will show how to do reverse engineering from a pair of jeans to create our own pattern. Not only that, he will also show how to do the pockets, zippers, and all those little details about jeans. Ooooh!

You know, so many sewing classes, so little time…. *sigh*

//courses thumbnails from Craftsy.

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  1. Those classes look amazing – I will totally take one when I have more down time!

    Also, delurking to say that your last post was so amazing that I actually just ordered that side pleat dress pattern! I have no idea when I’ll have the time to make it nor have I ever sewn with knits, but you just looked so good in it that I caved. Thanks!

  2. Right now I am enjoying my first class with Craftsy, thanks to you. I’ve been a member a long time ago but have never really browsed the whole site. I’m also tempted by Gertie’s suit class, mainly because I’ve been postponing sewing my coat for 3 years. Gertie’s class should be a great kick start. Funny thing is I’ve been meaning to ask you to enroll together a drafting class at Bunka– you know, the regular classes that you should physically attend, and in Japanese(!)–but then now I’ve found this, I thought why bother. Although there is no a pattern drafting class yet at Craftsy, but Susan Khalje is too good too pass up anyway. So thank you again.

    1. Glad that you’ve taken your first class!
      Whoa a drafting class in Japanese? Nah, I’m too lazy to go to a class regularly and also I don’t speak Japanese :) Anyway I graduated from ESMOD in 1998 so I know some pattern drafting, but I don’t have many knowledge in sewing and finishing techniques. That’s why these Craftsy classes are perfect! Bunka has published some very good pattern drafting series though, you should probably get them :)

  3. I am guilty too. I took Gertie’s Bombshell class and am currently watching kenneth King’s Jeanius which is excellent!! I got the email about this class and registered for it without hesitation!! The classes are great! I love that I can go back and watch them at any time!!! See you in class!!!:)

  4. I have signed up for the bombshell class, couture class, and the free quilting a month class. I am thinking about the jeans class also, except I don’t have a favorite pair of jeans that I want to duplicate. It would be more for the technique assistance to make my jeans look RTW.

    1. That’s what I thought I would do too! I don’t own any jeans for myself right now and plan to make one this year :)

  5. I’m glad I’m not the only one to get so easily distracted! That class sounds fantastic. I wish I’d have seen it before I embarked on the jacket I’m currently working on. I can’t possibly detract from yet another project so I will delight in yours instead!

  6. Thanks for the headsup. I’ve been itching for this one to happen, to give me the kick in th pants to finally make a suit jacket, which in my job is almost a daily requirement. Being a girl, I can get away without them more often, but I have at least five hanging up in my office just in case. I’m also taking the couture dress, but still waiting on my pattern.

  7. I love craftsy classes! I just got my pattern for the Couture dress and I had kind of forgotten about it haha. I think I’m going to purchase the jean-ius class and keep it in my little craftsy class stash.

  8. Craftsy classes are addicting, aren’t they? Great teachers and so much information at your fingertips. I’ve also enrolled in all of the same courses, and I will likely sign up for the Jean-ius one as well. I just made my first pair of jeans, and I’d love to see what tips and tricks Kenneth King has to getting them just right.

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