Camel corduroy pants

Camel corduroy pants Camel corduroy pants

Camel corduroy pantsLooks like I’m making pants all the time. Here’s a pair of corduroy pants for Sidra that I finished yesterday. The pattern is from a Japanese pattern book, シンプル&ちょこっとデザイン おんなの子服おとこの子服 and the fabric is Robert Kaufman cotton corduroy in Camel from Whipstitch fabrics, still from my Spring top winning .

The pants have slim legs, patch pockets, and fully elasticized waist. My favorite part is this little triangle details on the back! The back pockets originally have flaps, but I forgot to cut them (-_-). I also added belt loops because Sidra uses them to attach his card wallet.

He’s wearing them to school today. By the way, today is the last school day before summer holiday! Yay!

Camel corduroy pants Camel corduroy pants

Camel corduroy pants Camel corduroy pants

Pattern is #14 from シンプル&ちょこっとデザイン おんなの子服おとこの子服
Fabric is Robert Kaufman cotton corduroy in Camel from Whipstitch fabrics

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  1. How are you Novita, I congratulate you for your beautiful blog, I love sewing and crafts. I invite you to visit my blog to collect a prize.
    A hug
    Sandra de

  2. What great ‘strides!’ So beautifully made, as always. How lucky you are to have a son who allows you to make for him. I did have a request for a bean bag but when I ask if he would like me to make him something to wear he replies ‘ I’m alright thanks”! Oh well…. more for me!

  3. They look so good! Both on the hanger and on your son. I agree about the triangular flap, I´m so going to try that on my next pair for my own son!

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