Sew Weekly Challenge: Kidding Around

Grey dress
Grey dress

My first Sew Weekly challenge! If you haven’t heard about Sew Weekly (who haven’t?), you should check out the site now! This week’s theme is ‘kidding around’ where people make creations inspired by outfit worn in their childhood photo. I was quite excited with this theme as most of my clothes are basically shaped like a bigger version of little girls’ dresses. Hello baby dolls, gathered skirt, and ruffles!

Now for finding the childhood photo. This turned out to be not quite an easy task. My late father loved to take pictures of his kids when we were still very young, but unfortunately all the pretty photos are now in my mother’s house who is of course in another country. But here is a few that I managed to take here.

Now, now, is that a dress with ruffled collar? And do I see a floral paper bag skirt there?

kiddingaround1.jpg old12.JPG

I think I’ve seen a dress that look like the one in these pictures.

toddler2.jpg toddler3.jpg

A couple of bonus pictures of a family with five young kids in 1973. I’m kid #4:



Now for the inspiration photo:

Grey dress: inspiration photo

Well, it is an ID photo, taken for my kindergarten report book and I didn’t look too happy in it. But I’ve made outfits similar to the ones in the above pictures and I want something else. I was inspired by the stripes bias bindings and bias skirt of the dress. Since I don’t remember what the actual color of the dress, I made mine in grey, like a black and white photo.

My take  is below, in equally unhappy face. But you know, I’m one of those people whose face always look sad and people would ask me, “Are you okay? You look so sad….” There are not many smiling pictures of me after the age of four.

The photo on the right shows how I actually feel most of the time. Really.

Grey dress

Grey dress

The fabrics are linen that I already have in my stash. They were initially bought to make a set of shirt and pants for Sidra, but after making the skull and cross pants, I realize now that they don’t really suit his taste.

I told him about the fabrics and asked if I could use them for my dress. He glanced with disinterest to the boring grey heaps and said, “I think you should use them for your dress, Mama. I want something else.” Looks like this kid knows what he wants.

I rarely sew at night, but my husband went out drinking last night so I had time to sew! Too bad it is still too cold to wear this dress outside, I really love the shape and the muted color!

Grey dress Grey dress

Grey dress Grey dress

Grey dress

Pattern is self-drafted.

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  1. It’s so great to see others joining us for The Sew Weekly Challenge, your dress is so cute and I can definitely see how it was inspired by the photo!

  2. this is such a cute idea!! i love how well you made it come to life and your take on your adult version of that dress xD
    it’s so cute!! i would definitely wear it all the time if i were you. :)

  3. ah, sidra. if only every child would say: no, not that. how many hours sewing would be SAVED!

    i am so glad you’re playing at sew weekly! i love your first creation, pics and all. i’m currently working on the waistband of my pants for this challenge… (yehah, PANTS!!!)

    1. Sidra’s pants really got me to start thinking about all the things that I’ve made for him, are they just the visualization of how I want him to dress? Maybe because he’s growing now and start to develop his own taste. I promised myself that from now on I should give him more freedom to decide what he wants to wear. Um, maybe I think too much XP
      Can’t wait to see your childhood pants (and the childhood pics)!

  4. I like your grown-up version of the dress, and I am in love with the little ruffled collar dress with the border print hem! Did your mother sew for you? With 5 little ones!?!? Mamas are amazing :)
    Oh, I forgot to say it was my first Sew Weekly challenge too. I hope that I get to join in again!

    1. My mother used to sew for us, I remember she made us costumes, bunny, clown, superhero. She also had TONS of unfinished projects, sewing, cross stitch etc :P
      Your photos for the challenge are so fun! Let’s join the next challenge!

    1. Thank you Carolyn! It’s funny to see those pictured here and get comments from people. I grew up with them and went from being oblivious to the pictures to getting more interested in them when I get older. If my father were still alive, he’d be happy to know so many people now can see his pictures ^_^

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