Loose drape dress

Loose drape top
drape drape pattern #1

I’ve had this pattern book, ドレープ ドレープ (Drape Drape), for about a year now but had never made anything out of it. Most of the pattern in the book use knit fabrics, I guess I was a bit intimidated by it. But after making several clothes with knit fabrics (without serger), I found myself browsing the book again and decided to make one of the pattern.

This is pattern no.1, the loose drape top that I lengthened into a dress. The pattern is pretty straightforward, consisted of only two pieces with binding for finishing the armholes.

The fabric is double-gauze knit in stripes pattern, which accentuate the shape of the drapes. I wear the dress with black sleeveless top underneath. I wish I could wear it like the girl in the picture, but it wouldn’t be too practical for everyday use!

Loose drape dress
Loose drape dress

Loose drape dress Loose drape dress

Pattern is loose drape top (lengthened) from ドレープ ドレープ (Drape Drape).

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  1. Hi Novita, I just found your blog and I think it’s awesome! I’m from Jakarta but live in San Francisco. Currently, I’m learning how to sew. I love the projects that you’ve made so far. Keep it up!

  2. beautiful!I too, am intimidated by sewing with knits…but I might give it a shot now…thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you! The fabric was bought already cut, maybe it was the end cut of the roll. I was lucky! :)

  3. Love the dress and your style – I have longingly looked at the drape drape books but being completely at the beginning of my sewing journey I may leave these to a later stage!

    1. I think this pattern is quite forgiving actually. It is only two pieces and not fitted, you might want to give it a try! :)

  4. well done!!
    i love that book too, but it is quite complicated (and very expensive) to find knits where i live, so i have not ago ahead and bought that book.
    keep sewing and sharing!

  5. I LOVE this dress! Oh I love it!!!! I like it Much more with the tank underneath, it adds another dimension!

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