Eight years old

Time. Has it really been eight years?

Birthday morning
Birthday morning
Baby Sidra
My baby

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  1. Happy birthday Sidra!

    My son is turning 8 in 2 months, and it’s a bit of a shocker. Where has the time gone, and how did my little baby become such an amazing, grown-up boy?

  2. That is so adorable! I totally went “awwww”. I can’t wait to be a mother in the future. Isn’t it so exciting watching kids grow up? Treasure these times because they will never come again. Blessed birthday, Sidra!

  3. Happy, happy birthday, Sidra! Feliz cumpleaños!
    Now you are a big boy! Take good care of your mama. She loves you sooooo much!
    I send you a biiiig hug!

  4. aw, happy birthday to Sidra!
    feliz cumpleaños
    zum geburtstag and
    Omedetō tanjō-bi
    (had to double check that last one, it’s been awhile!)

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