High-waisted pants

High-waisted pants High-waisted pants

1958 McCall
1958 McCall's 4822

The fabric may look like denim, but in fact it is quite lightweight. It’s cheap polyester, initially bought to make a muslin for my husband’s shirt when I changed my mind and used it for my pants instead. I’m sorry!

I rarely wear nor make pants for myself, but I ‘d been wanting to try this 1958 McCall’s 4822 pattern. The cheap fabric is perfect for this, just to see how it would look on me. If it turned out horrible, I can pretend that it’s a muslin….

I made view A, the long pants but without the pockets because I didn’t want added attention to my hip. The belt carriers are from view C,  they are made from the same piece of pattern as the pants. There is a pair of darts on each pattern piece, which are stitched until reaching the waist, then slashed open to make the belt carriers. I’ve never seen something like this and I was curious to make them!

1958 McCall
Instruction for belt carrier
High-waisted pants
back zipper

The pattern was a bit bigger than my size so I slimmed down each piece about 0.5 cm on the sides. The pants had zipper on the back side. I usually use invisible zipper for clothing, but this time I wanted to learn something new and followed the instructions carefully. The result is not too bad in my opinion, I can make the stitches neater next time.

I’m not too sure  about the finished result though. The high-waisted pants dominate my whole proportion, leaving only a small amount of my upper body to ‘decorate’. Maybe I’m just not used to wearing this kind of pants (and I’m still too self-conscious about my asymmetrical hip!) Anyway, my husband said it is different from what I usually wear but still look cute nonetheless. He knows about my hip (of course!), but there’s nothing wrong with it in his eye.

High-waisted pants
Belt carrier

I think this pants would look wonderful on a taller person (who is not having any self-conscious problem). But I really enjoyed making this pants and learned new things from it. My favorite part is the construction of the belt carriers. I showed them to my husband and he was puzzled of how they were possible. Ha! I’m a magician!

High-waisted pants High-waisted pants

Pants pattern is 1958 Mccall’s 4822 from this seller.

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  1. these pants are great!!! really, they are flattering and the details are georgous – but I have to assume, I had also my problems to become familiar with the new shape – maybe you want to have a look here(http://www.flickr.com/photos/dlikat/5470635233/) – its my personal design, but the main idea is the same … I think its just like the first swim of the year – you simple have to dive in ;-)))
    I love your blog – so inspiring, sorry for very rarely commenting!
    best from Europe,

    1. Hi Dolores, your pants are amazing! It looks so complicated! I wish I can create such a complex pattern like that!
      Your pants remind me of some designs from the Japanese pattern book called Pattern Magic.They have 3 books now in this series, with complicated patterns, origami-like. I’m sure you will love them!
      Thank you for dropping me a comment!

  2. I like then a lot….
    but it´s true that it makes us more “full” :)
    congrats….I keep following your style …in the Western point of europe (Portugal) :)

  3. These are super cute and I think you should definitely wear them! The upper half you have “decorated” beautifully, so you don’t need to worry about that! That belt carrier treatment is really interesting, thank you for posting a picture of it. I may have to try that out sometime!
    Thank you for your nice comment about my dress. I will think of you girls in Japan every time I wear it, and remember our day out!

  4. You’re right, in theory these should not “work” as a look, but they do! You are slim, which is a must with high waisted pants, you cropped them and wore high shoes which give you the right proportion. The proportion “theory” is that your clothes shouldn’t cut you in half visually, rather 1/3, 2/3 is what you’re shooting for. That is what you’ve done with the 2/3 pant proportion and the 1/3 cute blouse. Great experiment, and fun belt carriers! Thanks for being adventurous and letting us in on it ;-)

  5. Hello Novita

    I just love when you smile on a photo – you are just a sweet looking and Pretty girl no matter what you are wearing – But it’s right! It’s not often we see you in pants – But there are like just “made” to sit like they were sewn onto you right away.
    I admire your work on clothes – i dont have the nerve to make clothes at all – I only do Patchwok and tiny things that are finished in a short amount of time.

    By the way! Did you not get the sewing Machine you won from Germany?
    I cant imagine what it would be like to win all the things you are winning….. (big smile) You deserve it just the same -itøs always a great joy to look at your blog to see the next item you are ongoing about.
    I sure do love that.
    And the best thing are you are so happy almost every day! Thats a joy to se-
    Hope to see more Patchwork from you soon – if you are making some of that ore is it just clothes you are in to?
    Happy cold SNOW hugs from

    Lone in Denmark

    1. Lone, you’re so sweet! Actually I think patchwork needs so much more patience (that I don’t have) than making clothes! There are too many small pieces and I’m sure I will lost them :D
      I hope to make patchwork sometimes, maybe a patchwork skirt or top will be a good project for me!

      Oh it turned out that it was too difficult to send the sewing machine overseas, so they sent me the cash instead. Not as exciting as getting a big box delivered to the door, but of course I’m grateful about it!

      Thank you for checking out my blog!

  6. ‘kay, first of all, your body, hips included, is and are gorgeous…

    but honestly i agree, this style is crazy hard to wear! on ANY body! i once saw a pair just like this at (egads) forever 21, they were made of a very drapey silk like material, in a sort of grey camo print, and it made me think they might look okay on my already ample rear. i circled them for about an hour. and of course when i went back the next day, the beauties were gone…

    i’d be so intrigued to see a version in a drapey material! nudge nudge, wink wink!

    1. I agree that it is so hard to wear! Actually I’m still not sure about it…. I mean they look good in pictures, maybe I need to wear them around for sometime to decide :D
      A drapey version might be easier to wear, but what are you doing in Forever21? You’re supposed to make them yourself! :P

      1. i know, IT’S HORRIBLE! but it’s so very easy and quick and cheap (all of which i hear points to how truly horrible F21 is)… i actually haven’t been there since last summer. oh but i miss it…

  7. Asymmetrical hip? Don’t be silly! There’s nothing wrong with you, you are gorgeous and those pants look beautiful on you. :)

  8. wow! I think this looks so great! I’m ‘hip-py’ and haven’t been so sure about high-waisted pants too, but because it’s so extreme, I think it may actually hide the hips inside! Very dramatic and adorable!
    Bravo. As always.

  9. You look so cute ‘n’ stylish in these!
    The top matches so well to – is it another self-made garment please (the fabric is super!)?

    I’m soooo going to have to steal the belt-carrier/loop idea for a skirt I think :) !!

  10. I think you look adorable! I’m very petite myself and am often very self-conscious of trying to pull these looks off. But I think super high heels do help!

  11. Seriously, these look fabulous on you! I know what you mean though as I’m very short in the waist and although I love high waists, I feel they’re the wrong proportion for my figure. Sometimes I’ll wear them anyway and to heck with it!
    Those belts carriers are genius! Nice detail.

    1. I have short torso too and am so used to wearing dresses or low waists. Sometimes high waists make my upper bodice look like they’re only boobs with arms!

  12. i think the pants/blouse proportions are great on you! i’ve been wanting to make pants like this but it’s hard to come by a vintage pattern in my sizing. going to look again!

    very interesting belt carriers indeed too. :)

  13. Cute outfit! I’ve never made trousers before but recently bought a pair of high-waisted pants – I haven’t decided what I think of them yet! I love the way you paired them with pumps.

  14. novita i love this entire outfit! soo cute! i want to wear something like this after i pop this baby, since high waisted pants are not friends with 8 month pregnant body..lol!

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