As time goes by


I’m 39 years old today!

Some people has said that I look a little bit younger than my actual age. In fact, the reaction people made when I told them my age made me felt like I’ve just confessed a big lie. Of course I didn’t lie, I just didn’t see any opportunity nor reason to talk about my age. But yeah, I was born in 1971 and the eighties happened in my teenage years. My first perfume was Electric Youth by Debbie Gibson, I bought it in a supermarket near my high school in 1989.

When I was a teenager, I used to think that 39 is soooo old. It turned out that when you’re 39, you don’t feel much different than when you’re 29 or even 19. I still don’t get a lot of things and have so many things to learn everyday. Where is that wisdom and maturity? Deep inside, I still have no idea how the world works. Sometimes I feel like I’m still a confused twelye years old. The worse thing is, you might still feel the same, but your body is not the same anymore.

Most people will get to 39 one day. Everybody, everything, will get old. Sometimes it is hard to accept. When fine lines started to show around my eyes five years ago, I used to worry about them.  But worrying over fine lines won’t make them disappear, and maybe would make them even more pronounced. So I’ve grown to like them. Now I can say that my face has more character! I also got my first white hair this year. It’s a single strand on the front part of my head. Sidra doesn’t like it and pretends that he doesn’t see it. He’s still in denial, I guess.

Of course the white hair is just a beginning. More of them will come. There is already more back pain and physical limitation now. There are more lines around my eyes and on my face. My body has started sagging and the texture of my skin is changing. But I hope that they will be well accepted in my life. Well, I should work on the back pain issue because pain is not nice, but at least I’ve tried to prepare myself.

I’m getting old, or older than before, it doesn’t matter. But the past few years has been one of the happiest time in my life. The two love of my life are on either side of me, they tell me that they love me everyday and I tell them the same everyday. I wish to grow old(er) with them and be together as long as possible. The  sad thing about life is that there is no forever. Even if you’re lucky, like, really, really lucky, you can never have more than a hundred years to be together.

Until then, I’m hoping to age gracefully like the people in this lovely blog. Maybe in ten years I will be eligible to be featured there!



Happy 39th!
Happy 39th! - from Sidra


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  1. Ooh I’m a bit late to say happy birthday – but happy birthday anyway! You are so youthful and beautiful.

    And congratulations for winning the Burda thread organiser giveaway – so jealous!

  2. Just wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY girl! I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now and its truly inspiring. Your creations are so adorable and beautiful! Please have a wonderful year ahead & wonderful well-wishes to your hubby & dear Sidra too!

  3. Happy Birthday to You!

    Surprised to know I am just 4 days elder. I also share your feeling about age.
    Your blog gave me many nice minutes in the last months, THANK YOU!

  4. Happy belated birthday Novita! You share the samebirthdate as my sister!

    As others ahvementioned, you don’t look 39 at all! I thought you are at most 30!

    Don’t worry about those grey hairs, they are there to make us look wiser? That’s what I tell myself, i have grey hairs since i was a teenager! Lol..

    Hope you have many many more years to love and be loved!

    Love your blog lots!

  5. Happy Birthday Novita!I didnt really start sewing till this year, at 29, and Sometimes I have the nagging feelign taht I started too old to ever get as good at this as I want. (totally silly, I know. There are tons of folks on the blogosphere who started later than that, and are terrific at what they do.) But I see your work, and I realize that its worth it to keep trying to get better at this craft. You inspire me with every post, and I wish you many more years of feeling young.

  6. Happy Birthday! It’s so refreshing to see someone in my age range blogging too! I’m only a year younger than you and have also been told that I look young for my age. My first TWO gray hairs were both found in the front of my head on my 30th birthday! I yanked them out in a panic and never saw them again, until a tiny gray one appeared near the same spot this year. Now, I think I may have to accept it. I can’t just yank out all of my hair.

    I love how honest you were about it all. It would be great to see more of us in our age range blogging and talking about it!

  7. Happy Birthday!! I also look younger than my age to most people, I was 31 in October. I also found my first white hair this year. So you see, it could always be worse lol ;p

  8. Novita Dear, Have a wonderful & blessed birthday, for u are indeed blessed! Im a huge fan of yr work ;-) Keep it up & take care. p/s. Im 39 too (march 71′) and loving each year as it comes!

  9. Happy Birthday to you – and to me! Yes, today is my birthday, too, but I am 68 today. Age is a state of mind, I believe, but I agree that our bodies betray us as pieces/parts wear out. I am a huge fan and wish I could find that wonderful Japanese pattern book you often use! I need some dresses similar to yours because I’m having a difficult hand surgery soon and will be in splints for 3 months, then another 3-6 months in therapy. It will be impossible to wear slacks (I’m having my dominant hand’s thumb and index finger rebuilt) so I need some over-the-head slipon type dresses such as you make. Your creativity is a joy to see! I read your entire blog in one day – all 50 pages – because I enjoy it so much! Keep up the great work! You’re an inspiration!

    Hope you’ll have a beautiful day with your family!!
    Sidra is really a lucky boy having such a nice mother as you!
    I like your creations!!

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