Blue bloomers

Blue bloomersBlue bloomers

I have just finished making shirts for my husband and son, but haven’t taken pictures of them being worn yet as I have to wait until this weekend. Anyway, just after I cut all the pieces for both shirts, I found that there are still little fabrics left, just enough for a pair of shorts for myself. I use Jane pattern from Burdastyle and lengthened the legs about 4 cm. The legs of the shorts are on fabric selvedges, so they didn’t have to be hemmed. Then I stitched two rows of elastic shirrings on both legs, turning the shorts into a cute bloomers! The fabric is cotton and very comfortable. I think the bloomers is perfect for these hot summer days and I can also wear them under my short dresses.

The fabric is actually white with wide blue borders in wave shape, but I only have most of the blue part left for my bloomers. It is cotton from IKEA, comes ready cut in 150 cm by 3 m. So I managed to make one men’s shirt, one kid’s shirt, and one bloomers out of it! Woohoo! Pictures of the shirts are coming soon.

Blue bloomers Blue bloomers

Blue bloomers

And here’s Sidra ruining my photo session. Making self-taken pictures during school holidays are difficult.

Shorts pattern is Jane from Burdastyle

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  1. hahahaha…

    I know what you mean… my son is exactly the same way! I can’t take a picture without his face, he loves to do that!

    Nice weekend!

  2. The bloomers are wonderful.I like all the things you make and you are really an inspiration to me, thanks for that!!

  3. So Cute! I found your blog about a year ago and it has been such an inspiration to me!! You make incredible things! Thank you for sharing all of your hard work!!

    :) Julie

    1. I told him to be quiet while I was taking pictures, which he managed to do for about ten minutes. He finally couldn’t stand it anymore and jumped right in! :D

    1. I wore the bloomers under my dress today and it was indeed very comfortable! Now I don’t have to be afraid of the wind anymore :) I think I will need to make some more.

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