I love necklaces. And I love them colourful and loud. Dainty, small, and delicate are not my things. Here is some of my most favourite necklaces.

These are my birds. The newest one is the yellow macrame owl, it was bought from macraMe at Etsy and just came in the mailbox today. It’s sooo cute! But my favourite is the silver hummingbird, I wore it when I met my husband for the first time ♥♥♥

The red enamel with big gold chain is vintage Monet and it used to belong to my mother. It was often used as photo shoot property when I worked in fashion magazine.
I bought the whistle and citrine necklace from LoveErica at Etsy. The whistle really works! When I wear the necklace, Sidra would sneak on me and blow the whistle, startling me. :D
The silver fish was actually a leather brooch, bought from sacaclaques at Etsy. I sewed a jumpring on its mouth and put a vintage white chain on it. It strangely looks real, like a fish caught in a hook.
Here is other vintage necklaces that used to belong to my mother. The far right one has Chinese character on it, it used to have solid perfume inside. When I was little, I loved to play with the perfume and put it anywhere. Years later, the rest of the perfume had dried, so I cleaned it and put another solid perfume in it. I use Flying Fox solid perfume from Lush, the smells of jasmine reminds me of the old perfume.
There used to be more of my mother’s necklaces, but I’ve given them away when I moved to Japan. I only brought two big suitcases to Japan, everything else was left behind and given away.

As if I don’t have enough necklaces already, yesterday I made one myself. It is actually a blatant knock-off of the ‘Burst of chiffon’ necklace by Anthropologie (picture courtesy of Anthropologie).
The Anthropologie one is made with green chiffon, but I just used some orange fabric scraps. The colour has gradation of orange with gold-bordered round shapes on it. This necklace was very easy to make, it’s actually just a strip of fabric ruffled in the middle. As my fabric is a bit stiffer than chiffon, the upper part is not as droopy as the Anthropologie necklace.
I use vintage gold chain with white plastic beads on it, and attached a pair of red crystal on the ends. Then I suddenly got this idea of attaching a tiny locket on one of the end. I will put tiny lovely pictures inside it! More necklace to love!

your blog is the best!!
its so vibrant and colourful.
and im pretty sure i’ve fallen in love with this post.
how quaint.
thanks for sharing! <3
I think your version looks so much cooler than the original. And so you are sooooo beautiful when smiling like that.
Love your necklaces! And is your wall textured? It makes a great backdrop.
For some reason, your new posts do not show up in my google reader or on my blogger??? I don’t know if it’s just me, or if you’ve heard this from anyone else… I just have to try to remember to come and check on your wonderful blog!
Yes, the wall is textured. It’s actually quite an ordinary wallpaper used here :)
About the posts, you can update the feed using my feedburner address: http://feeds.feedburner.com/verypurpleperson
I recently changed my site address from blog.verypurpleperson.com to verypurpleperson.com. I guess that’s causing the feed problem here. I’m so sorry!
I definitely think that your necklace is soooo much prettier than the original one ^__^ Love your style!
Ooh, pretty necklaces ^^. I’ve never seen a macrame pendant before actually, interesting idea!
I’m IN LOOOOOOOOOOOVE with that owl necklace!!!! I want that necklace! I am crazy for owls (right now I am decorating a cake for my son-it’ll be an owl shaped cake:-))!!
Just ordered a macrame owl necklace for my sister’s Easter present! Thank you for posting your beautiful collection.
I love your collection! & I love how there are stories behind the pieces. I just might try displaying my necklaces that way too!
so nice collection. I love chunky unique design necklaces too.
btw, im a fan of your blog. u inspire me a lot to sew for my little girl.
thank you for sharing your talent to us.
kudos to your site.
Thank you for the sweet words, Ai!
what a beautiful collection. i had to order one of the owl necklaces from MacraMe immediately :)
Cute idea! And I like your orange necklace better than the original green one!
Ah I do love your posts! Your collection is beautiful and I love how you have displayed it — pinned to the wall like a collection of delicate butterflies!
I have a collection of enamel jewellery [earrings and necklaces and bracelets] that I keep in a beautiful timber letterpress/stamp box. It brings me joy just to look at it.
Oh I looove enamel jewellery! Shiny and colourful things! ♥
Ahhh, lovely collection. :) Your winged and vintage necklaces are definitely interesting. :)
fine necklaces!I like them
I love how you made your own! I just never have time or the motivation to try, only because I’m still schooling.
Hi there!
I LOVE your blog soooo much!! Actually I just found here recently when I was looking at BurdaStyle.
Your tutorial for Tissue case is very useful! I made one for my daughter and one for myself :)
And your necklaces!!!! Sooooo lovely.
I love bird ones too!
thank you for showing your collections!
Glad that it is useful for you, Kyoko! Sounds like a fun time with your daughter! :)