An apron, another bag, and a pinch pouch

IKEA apron

A few days ago, I joined a cooking class in the neighbourhood. And just a day before the class, my friend told me that I had to bring an apron. I guess it wasn’t too unusual since almost every housewife in Japan has an apron that they wear everyday.

Well, I do some cooking at home and had thought about using an apron, but somehow always postponed making it. I immediately turned to my scrap bag and found that I still had some leftover from my IKEA bags. This one was just enough for a small apron without pockets. Maybe I have to search deeper for more scraps. Anyway, it was a quick project, I drew the pattern straight on the fabric, cut it, and sewed some black twill tape.

Blackbirds bagWhile I’m at it, suddenly I wanted to make another bag. As if I haven’t made enough bags already! This is another Charlie bag, I made it a bit smaller and put some pockets and magnetic closure on the inside. The round patches are from a piece of furoshiki (Japanese wrapping cloth), a gift from buying a bottle of tea. I left the edges raw and only sewed several lines of straight stitches around them. The handles of the bag are also left raw and finished with zigzag stitches.
Blackbirds bag

Then I made a pinch pouch for my sunglasses after reading this tutorial from The Small Object. It wasn’t too neat and I should have made it a bit wider, but at least now I know how to make it.
Sunglasses pinch pouch
Anyway, we made beef stroganoff, salad, and chocolate cake in the cooking class. They were yummy and I had my pretty apron to protect my clothes from the tomato sauce!Bag pattern is Charlie bag from Burdastyle (with little modifications).

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  1. Hi babe!
    I just saw ur pin pouch for sunglasses…
    I have been searching my local sewing stores in singapore for the mental clasp and those kiss locks for coin pouches and had headaches looking for them.
    Do u have any idea where i can purchase these sewing accessories online?=)
    Thanks a mil!

    1. Hi, you can try looking for them at I think there’s a lot of sellers who carry them.

  2. After reading this post two days ago I couldn't stop thinking about how adorable your apron is, and lamenting how drab the selection at all the local fabric stores is

    but then, on a whim I went to Ikea today and- lo and behold! The very same fabric.

    Thanks for inspiring me to make my own apron. I hope you don't mind that I'm copying yours. :)

  3. I love this! I just made a similar apron last night for my husband, but it is in the most boring greyish blue cotton (ick!) I think I would cook more often if I had one like yours ;)

  4. all three things you made are precious! i SO wish you were in texas so you could give lessons…..alas, i'll just have to admire your things from afar.

  5. hi! thank you for the tips for shopping fabric in japan! i haven't tried okadaya or marunan, so i will in the near future! there is a yuzawaya right close to my place, but the fabric is expensive, it is almost worth it to buy already-made clothes if the fabric is that price. thanks again:)

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