Dinosaur bag tags

Dinosaurs bag tags
Tomorrow is Sidra’s birthday and also his first birthday in Japan. The end of March to the beginning of April is school holiday in Japan, so he will always be celebrating his birthday at home. Fortunately, the moms from his kindergarten class are arranging a picnic tomorrow, I think it’s great because Sidra can spend his birthday with his friends.

I’ve been planning to make something for Sidra’s friends, but as usual I got lazy and keep postponing until the last day. This morning I woke up thinking that I should just buy some cookies and candies for the kids. But then I got this idea to make some bag tags using dinosaur printed fabrics and felts already in my stash. They’re all going to elementary school with their new bags, so bag tags seem like a perfect gifts.

The fabric has dinosaurs in various shapes and colors, so I just cut each of them for each tags. I cut my prototype in oval shape and I found the rounded shape a bit difficult to sew. So I cut the rest in random polygonal shapes, and I like them better that way.

I attached a piece of ribbon on top of the dinosaur fabric and sewed them to colorful felt pieces, and sewed this to felt backings in different colors that I cut using zig-zag scizzors. But before I sewed the felt backings, I cut little pieces of plastic and sewed them to backings so they have little plastic pockets to put name label in.

The whole thing went surprisingly fast. Five hours later, I had 32 colorful bag tags on hand and one ecstatic boy on the side.

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  1. Thank you everybody!
    Sidra is six years old now and he’s going to elementary school.
    His friends love the bag tags (they said: kawaii!)and immediately put the tags on their bags and zippers ^.^

  2. setelah saya jelajah kamu punya blog..baru lah saya tahu.kamu asalnya indonesia ya?
    no wonder your face look like malay.Rupanya kita serumpun gitu.
    Salam perkenalan dari saya Yuzie from Malaysia.Suka sekali melihat hasil kerja kamu.bagaimana kami boleh berada di japan?bekerja disana ya?

  3. whoa you made tons of tags!
    they are so super cute :)

    Happy B-day to your precious little(well or big!) boy :) Hope you guys have a nice day outside for a picnic!

  4. Lovely tags sweet Purple!

    Congratulations for your beautiful son Sidra, you and your husband seams to be very dedicated parents. God bless you and your child. Please tell Sidra, Anita (me) is sending him Happy Birthday tomorrow – “Happy B-day Sidra! How old are you tomorrow? April, 8th will be my 30th b-day. I feel so special this day, don’t you feel the same?”
    Wishing you happiness,

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