Sorry for putting my underwear on display here, but I’m kinda proud of them. I believe this type of underwear is called girl boxer, and I find them very comfortable to wear. But I rarely find one that fit, and two of my girl boxers were stolen when they were hung to dry. Perverts. So I think I’d make them myself.
I traced the pattern from a Uniqlo girl boxer that I have, and the fabrics are jersey scraps from another project. Instead of elastic, the waistband are made from long strips of the same fabrics. It can’t be seen from the picture, but they fit perfectly, especially the striped one. The red one is a bit stretchier, but still fits me well. Yay! Now I can make my own underwear!
Well, I hope my husband wouldn’t mind that now I have an underwear that matches his shirt. And when I wash these boxers, I’ll hang them inside.
Hi sewiknittoo and anonymous!
Thank you for the interest in my shorties. I think you can easily trace the pattern from your comfiest underwear to make one, because what’s comfy for me might be different for you.
I might try to make a tutorial sometime, but in the meantime there’s a useful link in Burda on sewing a panty. I hope it helps!
i would love love love a pattern for these, they are just so adorable. or even a tutorial
I wish there was a patter for those cute boxers!! I’d love to make myself a pair
How crazy that someone stole your underwear! Gross, no offense to you :).
Office Busy Body, apparently my husband think that it’s kinda cute ;)
And yes, my husband told me that some of his friends got their underwear stolen too. But I guess it happens in other countries as well…
They both look cute and I thought the stripey fabric looked familar! What did your husband say about your underwear matching his t-shirt?
Underwear stealing seems to be a common problem in Japan so I agree with drying them indoors. Luckily it never happened to me but I know some women who had theirs stolen!
Thank you Chie, it’s a good solution for me too since I always have a hard time throwing away fabrics scraps :)
Karen, I think of making more of these from old T-shirts, must be very comfortable. And yeah I guess we can find underwear snatchers everywhere around the globe (reading Aya’s comment below)…
Thank you, Christina!
Hi Aya, having an underwear stolen is annoying as well as creepy, crazy people. Thank you for visiting, I’m enjoying your blog too!
I’ve always hung my underwear inside too…. some people are just crazy! (@.@)/
Those are adorable, btw!!
They’re adorable!
THose are so cute!! and you are right they are so comfy. we call them here shorties. (i think is a cute name!)
OMG, I thought that only here underwear is stolen while they are drying (sometimes).
those are so cute! i love girl boxers! they have them at victoria’s secret, and i think they call them “boyfriend shorts” or something. they are super comfy. i think its a great idea for the left over fabric:)