I finished it this morning. The beret is supposed to have a bow on the side but unfortunately I ran out of yarn. Love it. Pattern is Puff stitch Crochet Beret with Bow by creativeyarn, found from Ravelry .

I finished it this morning. The beret is supposed to have a bow on the side but unfortunately I ran out of yarn. Love it. Pattern is Puff stitch Crochet Beret with Bow by creativeyarn, found from Ravelry .
I finally finished it in about three days, and it turned out to be, uh, a bit too small for Sidra. Darn it. But as usual, he’s very excited about the new hat. I added a pompom on top of the hat and another one of those bug button on the hat. This time, the button is a blue kuwagata-mushi (another kind of helmet beetle). Because it’s too small, the hat doesn’t serve any other purpose than being cute. It can’t be pulled down to cover the ears or forehead. However, for serving the purpose of being cute, I think […]
I found this book of hat patterns in Maruzen and they seem pretty easy for someone who never sewed a hat before. The pattern that I chose was very geometric, with only a piece with all six sides attached to the center. It turned out to be pretty easy to make, so I decided to make some more. Since the pattern is in geometric shapes, I made new patterns for my husband’s and Sidra’s hats using CorelDraw!. My husband wants his hat to be wider and shorter, and Sidra naturally needs a smaller one. Sidra also requested an elastic to […]